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SafeMoon Partnership

Everything you need to know about Glow Token, and our SafeMoon Partnership

Welcome SafeMoon and curious friends!

Glow is a community driven dividends rewards token built on the Binance Smart Chain network. We generate value through a 10% dividend BUSD rewards payout and dual lottery system. Glow has a huge charity aspect by hosting monthly charity votes and donating 1% of monthly trades to causes selected by our community.

How does our token work?

GlowV2 tokenomics has a buy/sell tax of 15%. Every token that is traded will generate additional funds that go towards the following functions

  • 11% of the taxes go back to our holders in BUSD, WBNB and BBTF dividend rewards.
  • Rewards Breakdown: 9% BUSD, 1% WBNB (Flex) and 1% BBTF[Blockbusters Tech Inc.](Flex)
  • 3% goes to the marketing/development wallets.
  • 1% goes into a charity wallet and the community votes on which charity it goes to.

What makes our token different?

Our project excels in full transparency in how we operate. We host live AMA (ask me anything) video and audio chats with our community on a weekly basis. Holders have direct connection with our developers and project team.

We are focused on giving back to the community through our monthly charity donations to support global and local causes. All recipients are decided on by community vote. We post the proof of the donations to the recipient awardees.

What we hope for the future

  • Build a brighter future for all of us in this crypto space.
  • Play to Earn gaming and development of payment applications with Glow.
  • Expansion with additional partnerships projects and exchange listings.
  • Give a total of $100K in charity awards this year.